Featured app – Climendo
Weather predictions, forecasts and related apps can be frustrating – how with so much technology, are the weather forecasters so regularly wrong?
With this is mind, Climendo app has created an interesting algorithym that in real time can access 10,000 different weather stations around the world, to give you the forecast which is the most accurate. Essentially you open up the app and Climendo then goes to work to tell you who the most accurate provider is for your area, an average of the top 5 most similar forecasts and the probability rate of the forecast based on the level of agreement of the compared providers.
Mother nature has her own way of doing things so obviously there are no guarantees, however you have to think that by combining 10,000 different predictions and giving you an average of all those predictions, it would have to be better than most weather prediction tools.
It’s available on both IOS and Android.
Find out more at http://climendo.com