Gladstone Regional Council
The Issue
Gladstone Regional Council (GRC) identified the need for an innovative approach to resolve the leadership development needs within GRC and the Gladstone Region.
The Solution
LMA partnered with GRC to deliver the Challenge of Leadership course to GRC staff and local business employees, including a number of sponsored participants.
The Result
The partnership of LMA and GRC to deliver leadership training has promoted consistent growth for the Region in relation to leadership.
The Gladstone Regional Council (GRC) area covers a very unique Region given the strong presence of rapid growth industries and construction related businesses.
A number of significant and complex issues have arisen due to the sheer scale of development, the immense fly-in fly-out / construction workforce and other environmental, social and economical factors involved.
GRC identified that leadership is a critical factor in the success of their own organisation and businesses in the community; to progress this they partnered with LMA to deliver an accredited and meaningful leadership development program locally.