Why aren’t you setting goals?


“What you get by achieving your goals is not as important as what you become by achieving your goals.” Henry David Thoreau

Research has shown that individuals with written goals achieved approximately 50% more of their goals than those without written goals1.  A written goals program ensures that you identify achievements that will ultimately prove most meaningful to you to clarify and crystallise your thinking.

So why aren’t you setting goals?

Many people still do not develop goals and, in avoiding this process, are unable to effectively steer action, decision making and accomplishment in their lives.

1. Uncertainty

You don’t know how to get started – how to set goals, or break them down into manageable steps.

2. Purpose

You don’t know what your goals are or the direction you want to go in.

3. Fulfilment

You don’t know what would make you happy or feel accomplished

4. Measurement

You don’t know how to measure your goals or success.

5. Fear of outcome

You’re afraid of failure and change, you also may be afraid of success.

6. Perfection

You want perfection and think you can’t reach it. You don’t want to set goals too low or too high.

7. Fear of leaving our comfort zone

You just want to focus on the work you usually do on a day-to-day basis.

8. Resources

You don’t know what tools or resources you need to achieve your goals.

9. Energy

You’re overwhelmed by the effort needed to plan your goals.

10. Support

You don’t have a strong network of encouragement, support, and accountability to recognise successes.

Regardless of the reason, there is no excuse to not set goals; the benefits far outweigh any effort, fear, cost or uncertainty that may be holding you back.

Start goal setting now and you will reap the benefits.

Read more about goal setting by downloading the Principles of Goal Setting or contact one of our LMA Representatives to discuss this further.

1 A study conducted by Gail Matthews, Ph.D., at the Dominican University

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